Sunday, 26 October 2008

weekend in L.A.

Made a lightning trip to L.A. this weekend.  Flew out of Heathrow on Friday afternoon and back from LAX on Sun evening.  I don't think I was on the ground more than 36 hours.

But I had to be there for the wedding of two good friends, partners for 20 years who were finally tying the knot.  It was a lovely event and I enjoyed catching up with old friends and colleagues from my last movie.  Wouldn't have missed it.

It was sunny and warm in L.A.  80 degrees!  Sitting out on the terrace of Mexicali in Studio City drinking margaritas in the sunshine felt great!  Coming from London where it is already winter, it felt even better.  

It's funny, I grew up in L.A. but I have never loved the city.  I always dreamed of moving away. Living in London, I haven't missed it.  My friends, yes.  But L.A., no.  This time back was different.  I actually felt a little nostalgic for the weather and the light, for sushi at Oomassa in little Tokyo and chicken tacos at Poquito Mas.   

Maybe I will finally come to appreciate my hometown at last!

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